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Ceremonies, Blessings & Rituals

[Naming Ceremonies]   [Rites of Passage]   [End of Life/Memorial Ceremonies]   [Blessings]   [Cleansing/Banishing/Recharging]   [Other]  

Christenings, Wiccanings, Dedications, Naming Ceremonies

Every known culture in existence has rituals surrounding naming, birth, and rebirth. This is no coincidence.
Entering the world - or a new chapter of your part in it - is, perhaps, the most extraordiary event in anyone's life, so it is no wonder that there are so many ways to celebrate it!

Ceremonies and rituals can be for the purpose of officially welcoming your newborn into the world, welcoming new members into a blended or adopted family, taking on a new Medicine or Spirit name, dedicating yourself or your child to a deity(ies), or "simply" affirming a new life or the renewal of life.

Whatever the specific reason or the form you wish the ceremony to take, we will work together to get it exactly right for you!
And, just to be clear, "exactly right" means whatever you want it to mean. My staff and I are here to help you discover that, if you are unsure, or to go exactly by your specifications if you already have a complete plan.

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Rites of Passage

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Funerals, Wakes, Memorials, Eulogies, Crossing Rites

Like entering this world, leaving it is another sacred milestone, which is honoured in more ways around the world than perhaps any other event.

While there is no denying that the loss or impending loss of someone we love brings sadness, grief, anger, regret, and many other emotions, often opening old wounds in addition to creating fresh ones, it is still a momentous event, which deserves to be handled with at least as much care as any other of life's profound stages.

We often have no warning, and are struggling with our own grief and conflicting emotions when we are called upon to make arrangements for a loved one who has left this plane. Figuring out how to go about making it meaningful and relevant, not only for the one who has passed, but for all those left behind can be a daunting task at best, and often seems nearly impossible.
Even when we do have warning - time to plan and prepare ourselves and one another - it can be overwhelming.

At this time, usually more than any other, people can feel pressed for time, pressured from all directions to make arrangements this or that way, and completely drained. Emotions are running high and it can be very difficult to have compassion and patience for one another when everyone is hurting and not everyone agrees on the best way to proceed.

I have found that there is nearly always some way to go about these things which allows for honouring the wishes of the departed, as well as their family and close friends.

My support staff and I are absolutely dedicated to being there for you to respectfully and compassionately help you see to it that the life and essense of your loved one is celebrated, remembered with dignity, and that all who were touched by that person have a safe and nurturing opportunity to say their goodbyes, let go, and wish them a safe journey for whatever the next chapter brings, in whatever form that takes for your respective belief systems and spiritual paths.

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Blessing Rituals & Ceremonies

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Cleansing, Banishing, & Recharging Rituals

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Other Rituals & Ceremonies

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*Wolf Den Ministries is Poly/ GLBTQ/Leather/Kink/BDSM Friendly!*